Pink Lady


Recipe from Death & Co
Uploaded by: @alex


112 oz
Plymouth Gin
12 oz
Laird's 100 Proof Straight Apple Brandy (Bottled in Bond)
34 oz
lemon juice
34 oz
acacia honey syrup
14 oz
Death & Co Grenadine
egg white
brandied cherry as garnish

Shake it Up

  1. Dry shake all ingredients
  2. Add ice, shake again
  3. Double strain into rocks glass over one large ice cube
  4. Garnish with cherries on a pick

Notes & Review

Most Pink Lady recipes don't include this much sugar and are pretty dry. The full 3/4oz of 2:1 honey syrup here makes this a sweet drink, so consider taking that down a notch.

The Pink Lady is also usually served up, in a coupe, which I think would be my preference as well. The rocks glass with large ice cube was not large enough to hold this drink, especially considering the egg white froth.

This is a frothy, tasty cocktail. The apple brandy gives it a bit of a kick and keeps it from being just another gin sour. The grenadine gives the drink a nice pink color and sweet/sour finish.

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