Fair Fault


Created: Tyson Buhler, 2013, Death & Company
Recipe from Death & Co
Uploaded by: @alex


2 oz
Pasquet Pineau des Charentes
12 oz
Cruzan Single Barrel Rum
12 oz
Granny Smith apple juice
12 oz
lemon juice
14 oz
cane sugar syrup
1 tsp
Cruzan Black Strap Rum

Shake it Up

  1. Shake all ingredients (except Black Strap rum) with ice
  2. Strain into port glass
  3. Float Black Strap rum on top

Background & History

"This cocktail is inspired by a vintage British drink called the Treacle, which is a rum old-fashioned topped with a layer of apple juice. The Black Strap rum float in my version is almost like topping the drink with pancake syrup: first you smell the sum's massive molasses aromas, then the acidic Pineau des Charentes, an aperitif made with grape must and cognac, cuts right through it." - Tyson Buhler, Death & Co

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