Elusive Dreams


Created: Demi Natoli, 2019
Adapted from Punch
Uploaded by: @alex


1 oz
Planteray Stiggins’ Fancy Pineapple Rum
1 oz
Planteray 3 Stars Rum
1 oz
pineapple juice
34 oz
lime juice
12 oz
cinnamon syrup
12 oz
Giffard Banane du Brésil
pineapple wedge as garnish
edible orchid as garnish

Shake it Up

  1. Shake all ingredients with ice
  2. Double strain into coupe
  3. Garnish with pineapple wedge or crescent and an edible orchid

Background & History

A riff on the Hotel Nacional cocktail.

Notes & Review

The original spec calls for 3/4 oz of cinnamon syrup, so feel free to up it to that if you're a sweet tooth.

Comments & Notes

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