The low-ABV precursor to the Negroni, with soda water instead of gin. The Milano Torino (Mi-To) cocktail is very similar, just without the soda water, and predates both the Americano and Negroni.
The Americano likely originated from Gaspare Campari's bar in Milan, Italy in the 1860s and supposedly gets its name from so many American tourists loving the drink and ordering it aplenty.
Notably, this is actually James Bond's first drink order in "Casino Royale", not the Vesper.
Bitter, slightly citrusy, slightly sweet, and very refreshing, this is a great apertivo for a sunny afternoon or if you're just in need of something refreshing, low-ABV, and not too sweet.
Some recipes call for more or less seltzer; you can always start with two ounces and up from there.
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